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Genetic Algorithm Scheduler

This is a multi-dimensional genetic algorithm based optimizer written in rust with multi-threading.

Distinguishing Features

  • supports highly dimensional fitness scores with multiple mechanisms to order candidates

  • does not require a stable ordering between candidates

  • supports both constraint violations and fitness scores

  • takes advantage of const generics

This optimizer was designed for a scheduling system, and will work best for problems that have similar characteristics. You don’t have to use it for shift scheduling, it should work well for anything that meets the following characteristics:

  • there are a large number of fitness functions rather than a single number or even a few numbers to be optimized. In our case, how well the schedule fits each preference for each employee is treated as an fitness function. Given that the employee can specify a suitability for each shift, this means that the number of fitness scores is larger than the length of the chromosone.

  • variables are discrete rather than continuous. In our case, there are a small fixed number of employees that can be booked per shift.

  • the “chromosone” has a fixed length.

  • the position in the chromosone (aka the locus) is significant. (In some other problem domains, the locus is less significant and the ordering of the genes is more significant). This limitation can be overcome by writing significantly different FitnessFunction’s.

  • fitness functions are relatively cheap to compute. Parallelism is at the population rather than the game level.

Some of these characteristics are more hard coded than others. For example, you can adjust the FitnessFunction’s, Crossover and Mutation functions to make genome subsequences more significant than locus position.

Terminology, Structure and Algorithm.

Every potential solution is called a Candidate. Each Candidate has a chromosone which defines the solution. The chromosone is an array of unsigned integers called genes. Each gene occupies a position in the array called the locus. For ease of computation, genes and locii are not enums, but adjacent unsized integers. Mapping these integers to values is outside the scope of this library. See the examples for details.

At the time of creation each Candidate evaluates all of its FitnessFunction’s to determine the Candidate’s suitability. Alongside the FitnessFunction’s, Constraint’s are also evaluated and number of Constraint violations stored.

Because each Candidate has many FitnessFunction values, Candidate’s cannot be trivially and stably ordered. Instead, two candidates are compared in a Game, and repeated Game’s are run across a population in a Tournament to order the Candidate’s by FitnessFunction’s and Constraint’s.

All current Game implementations order by Constraint violations before FitnessFunction scores. In other words, only if two candidates have the same number of constraint violations are the fitness scores considered. Most Game’s and Tournament’s are not stable, and have a strong stochastic component.

A set of Candidate’s is called a population.

Each cycle through the algorithm is called a Gas::generation. A generation creates a new population from an existing population. Each generation consists of the following steps:

  1. Run a Tournament to order the candidates.
  2. Loop for each new child:
    1. Select two parents. Parent selection is biased by Tournament score and prefers selecting dissimilar parents.
    2. Choose a Crossover algorithm to run on the two parents to create a child.
    3. Choose a Mutation algorithm to run on the child

Typically the GA is tuned so that Null Crossover and Mutation algorithms are often chosen. The Null algorithms simply clone a parent rather than performing a crossover or mutation.

Selection of the Crossover and Mutation algorithms are not done stochastically. Weights are configured for each algorithm, and the algorithms are cycled respecting the weights. Therefore if the sum of the weights in Gas::crossovers have common factors with the sum of the weights in Gas::mutations, some combinations of crossover and mutation may never be chosen. In some cases you may wish to deliberately trigger this effect, but in most cases you should probably ensure that the both sum of weights do not have a common factor.

Looping the Gas::generation until stagnation is reached is called a Gas::cycle. There are three stages to each cycle: seeding, running and finalizing. See the docs for Gas::cycle for more details

Multiple Gas::cycle’s are run in parallel in a pool. The pool may be terminated early by setting the CycleProgress::sigint flag. When a Gas::cycle stops TBD.

Setup and Configuration

There is a simple full example in examples/schedule and a minimal configuration in the #[cfg(test)] Gas::dut().


Let’s play Mastermind! We’ve got 6 colors and 4 positions, so the chromosone type parameters are <N=4, NSYMS=6>.

If we were really playing the game, our two fitness functions would be the number of white pegs and number of black pegs. However, we’ll use this example to show why it is advantageous to have a lot of fitness functions.

So instead of having the number of black pegs as the fitness function, we’ll return 4 separate fitness functions for each possible black peg, and 6 separate fitness functions for each possible white peg.

Here’s our fitness function for the black pegs. We’ll use the delta between the desired and actual as the score. For delta, 0 is the best score, but GAS optimizes for highest score. So for the score here we return the negated delta – zero is the highest negative number.

pub struct Black<const N: usize, const NSYMS: usize> {
  pub answer: [Gene; N]

impl<const N: usize, const NSYMS: usize> FitnessFunction<N, NSYMS> for Black<N, NSYMS> {
  fn nscores(&self) -> usize { N }

  fn run(&self, chromosone: &[Gene; N]) -> Vec<f64> {
    std::iter::zip(chromosone, self.answer).map(|(guess, desired)|
      -(*guess as f64 - desired as f64).abs()

assert_eq!(Black::<4,6>{answer:[4,3,2,1]}.run(&[4,0,2,0]), vec![0.0, -3.0, 0.0, -1.0]);

For the white scores, we could similarly create a FitnessFunction that returns 6 scores, counting each gene and returning how close each count is to the count in the answer. But there is already a FitnessFunction that does this in the library: fitness::ColorCount.

Once you have the chromosone and the FitnessFunction defined, you can configure the optimizer by creating a Gas object.

let gas = Gas {
  fitness: FitnessConfig::new(vec![
    Box::new(Black::<4, 6>{answer: [4,3,2,1]}),
    Box::new(fitness::ColorCount::<4,6>::new(1, vec![0], vec![vec![0],vec![1],vec![1],vec![1],vec![1],vec![0]], &[""], 1.0)),
  constraints: ConstraintConfig::new(vec![]),
  cycle_tournament: Box::new(tournaments::SingleElimination::new(game::Full::new())),
  final_tournament: Box::new(tournaments::FullSeason::new(game::Full::new())),
  crossovers: CrossoverConfig::new(vec![(1, Box::new(crossover::Null::new()))]),
  mutations: MutationConfig::new(vec![
    (1, Box::new(mutation::Null::new())),
    (1, Box::new(mutation::Mutate::<4, 6>::new(1))),
    (1, Box::new(mutation::Rotate::<4, 6>::new(1))),
  taboo_distance: 1,
  population_size: 10,

The Chromosone

The chromosone is configured through const generics. Virtually every object in the system takes two const generics as template parameters: N and NSYMS. N is the length of the chromosone, and NSYMS is the number of genetic symbols there are. The chromosone is defined as [Gene; N] where Gene is in the range 0..NSYMS. In Gene is defined as a u8 since there are very few genetic algorithm problems where NSYMS is greater than 256. Theoretically the pub type Gene = u8 could be templated as well, if you need it done, feel free to ask or open a PR.

The Gas object

The algorithm is configured by creating a Gas object. This object specifies the fitness functions, constraints, mutation and crossover algorithms, et cetera.

Fitness Functions

It’s quite likely that the available fitness functions will not be suitable for your project. A good set of fitness functions are critical to the success of your optimization. It’s easy to spend lots of effort on algorithm tuning, but without a solid base you’re unlikely to get good results.

FitnessFunction’s return a Vec of floats for the scores, taking a chromosone as input.


Constraint’s are much like fitness functions, except they return vectors of booleans, specifying whether the chromosone is valid or invalid. Any candidates which have more constraint violations than others will lose any competitions. A boolean doesn’t provide much guidance to the optimizer, so providing a fitness function that will indicate if a chromosone is close to violating a constraint will be helpful.

Crossovers and Mutations

The set of Crossover and Mutation operators provided in the example are probably a good starting point for your problem. One important consideration is to provide a good number of Null operators for both.

Games and Tournaments

A Game replaces the simple fitness score competition in most Genetic Algorithms, so it is an interesting area for experiment. The one used in the example worked best for us. A Tournament is used to rank candidates.

Taboo Distance

This ensures genetic diversity

Stagnation parameters

There are some constants in the Gas::cycle function that are used to determine when a cycle of the algorithm has stagnated. They perhaps should be parameterized, but for now can

nthreads and the Pool

Once you have a Gas configured, you can start it via Gas::cycle, or instead you can set up Pool to run several populations in parallel. Gas::cycle takes a CycleProgress as a parameter – you can monitor the progress of the optimizer by monitoring the CycleProgress from a separate thread.

let sigint = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let mut progress = CycleProgress::<4, 6>::new(&gas, &sigint);
let solution = gas.cycle(&mut progress);
assert_eq!(solution.chromosone, [4,3,2,1]);




This library makes extensive use of unwrap. This can be justified by the fact that the data given to it is programmatic and the configuration set at compile time, so theoretically pretty much any error is programmatic rather than usage. But really it’s just because unwrap style programming is easier. I do plan on eventually putting in proper error handling, but there are always higher priorities. I deliberately used unwrap to make searching and replacing them easier. Although technically there are a lot of vector and array accesses using [] that would be safer using .get().

further development

This library was designed to be used in a multi-population network. Some effort was made to implement a primitive network topology between the populations, but this did not improve the results and was abandoned. This should be explored in more depth. See for a discussion of potential network topologies.


pub use crate::gas::Gas;


This module wraps some of the standard rand::* functions in a trait so that they can be mocked for testing.